INVOCATION – July 2018

We are fighting for a righteous cause – our right to live with honour and in peace – are not for the sake of self-glory or to rule over others. – Guru Hargobind Singh   *   *   *   *   *   Two men please God – who serves Him with all his heart because he knows Him; who seeks Him with all his heart because he knows Him not.  – Panin   *   *   *   *   *   Let us Read More …

Editorial – July 2018

It is the month of July. The monsoon has arrived in its full glory and fury. On one hand it has given a new life to the withered trees and plants, filled up the dried tanks, pools and water areas and recharged the underground waters. The newly sown paddy seedlings will be taken out by the farmers, men and women alike, and transplanted in acres and acres of paddy lands to be harvested after the golden autumn. This cycle in Read More …

News – July 2018

149th Foundation Day at Utkal Brahmo Samaj, Cuttack Utkal Brahmo Samaj, Cuttack celebrated its 149th Foundation Day on the 1st July, 2018. At the outset, floral tribute was offered on the portrait of Raja Rammohun Roy and Prof. Haranath Bhattacharya, the founders of Brahmo Samaj and Utkal Brahmo Samaj respectfully. The Divine service was conducted by the Secretary Prof. Dipasya Kundu. Brahmo Sangeet was rendered by Supratim Chakraborty, Smt. Ellora Chakraborty and Shri Bijayram Tripathy. Members of Balasore Brahmo Samaj Read More …


Happiness is not a word the Buddha uses. He talks about Enlightenment, about Nirvana, about to see life as it is and learning to act accordingly. Suffering, he says, comes from things out of balance, out of focus in our lives. Happiness to the Buddha does not lie in the things, or power or money. It is not accumulates, it is shaped out of the clay of the self. To eliminate suffering, he says, we must eliminate, control and master Read More …

Extract from Sermon Delivered by Sri Amit Das on 24th June, 2018 at Bhawanipur Brahmo Samaj (Padmapukur)

On this special day let us remember those great men who had a direct impact on the spread of Brahmoism in the Bhowanipur area. In the month of June, 1852, a number of influential men assembled at the house of the late Sambhunath Pandit and established an Association under the name of Jnan Prakasika Sabha, or “Truth Revealing Society”, whose object it was to promote the spiritual enlightenment of its members. Sambhunath Pandit himself became its President. Babu Annadaprasad Banerji, Read More …