INVOCATION – March 2019

Only those of tranquil minds, and none else, can attain abiding joy by realizing within their souls the Being who manifests one essence in a multiplicity of forms. – Upanishad   *   *   *   *   * Since all those who think of God think of something living, only they can think of them without absurdity who think of this as life itself – St Augustine *   *   *   *   * Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and Read More …

Editorial – March 2019

We have entered the month of March though usually this month is associated with spring of season but we usually get the taste of real summer heat which is not far away. But this year we are having a really mild weather with touches of clouds and soft’s rains. Let us be thankful to the nature even for such small mercies. 2. Now we would like to go into a glimpse of ‘Kenopanishad’ where if says, among other profound ideas. Read More …


By S. Bagchi Man’s search after the unknown starts even from his creation, whether he has been created out of void or evolved from something already existed, is for the people of science to decipher. We, the common men, are hardly concerned with that. We see him struggling for his existence and he is astounded with certain happenings which appear before him. He is deeply in thought as to the cause of these phenomena, and he fails to locate, and Read More …


[In His own words] One day Haladhari, the cousin of Sri Ramakrishna, remarked to him, “Can one get spiritual elevation by worshipping a Tamasika form ? Why do you bestow so much attention on the worship of Kali?” Sri Ramakrishna did not answer him then: but he was pained at the disrespect shown to his favourite Deity. He at once went to the Kali temple and asked the Divine Mother with tearful eyes, “Mother, Haladhari is a scholar, versed in Read More …


By Maulavi Wahed Husain In what sense did Raja Rammohun Roy use the words? ‘Unity’ and ‘Monotheism’? Did he use them in the sense in which Sankara used them, or in the sense in which Ramanuja explained them, or in the sense they are used in the Quran? Let us try to ascertain his views on the subject. According to Sankara the Supreme Being is the Absolute. His metaphysical arguments reduce the Divine entity into a mere abstraction. As pointed Read More …

NEWS – March 2019

Krishnanagar Brahmo Samaj Sometime in 1844 Srischandra, Maharaja of Krishnanagar, established Brahmo Samaj in his palace and started worship of One True God. He also initiated three persons into Brahmo Dharma and motivated them to sign in the Rules and Regulations of Brahmo Dharma drafted by Raja Rammohun Roy of Calcutta Brahmo Samaj. Maharaja Srischandra then requested Sri Debendranath Tagore, Secretary of Kolkata Brahmo Samaj, to send a Brahmin mentor of Veda to preach Brahmo Dharma in Krishnanagar. Debendranath sent Read More …