INVOCATION – April 2019

The principle of veneration never dies out. Man fallen into superstition, into sensuality, is never quite without visions of the moral sentiment – Emerson   *   *   *   *   * Love is the magic stone that transmutes by its touch greed into sacrifice.               – Baul *   *   *   *   * To live religiously is to live naturally, to live naturally is to act up to the dictates of conscience. To live to nature is to live to God. – Keshub Read More …

Editorial – April 2019

The month of April is here bringing in the Bengali New year, 1426 on 1st of Baisakh, We will come to it later. 2. Our scriptures say “অয়ো নিজ পরোবেতি গণনা লঘু চেত্সাম, উদারা চরিতানান্তু বসুধেব কুটম্বকম্৷” We can translate it into English when this will look like as follows: “Only those who are mean discriminate between one’s own interests and those of others. But those who are generous feel that the entire humanity is close to their hearts”. Let Read More …

Abolition of Sati Custom of Hindu Religion

The social system of the Hindus contained a number of iniquitous and inhuman practises. The most barbarous of which was the burning of widows on the funeral pyre of their dead husband. It was believed by the people that if a woman could die along with her husband, she not only went to heaven but also saved her husband from perdition. The custom of concremation was an old custom in India and it had a wide appeal. There were no Read More …

Rabindranath and the World: The Influence of the Brahmo Samaj

By Arup Kumar Das Rabindranath Tagore was born in the ancestral house of the Tagores at Jorasanko Thakur Bari, a centre of the 19th century Bengali renaissance. His father, Maharshi Debendranath Tagore, was an ardent follower of Raja Rammohun Roy, the maker of modern India, who founded the Brahmo Samaj in 1828. Debendranath abjured idolatry, accepted initiation into Brahma Dharma, gave it a shape and became the leader of a re-oriented faith founded on the pure monotheism of the ancient Read More …


By Maulavi Wahed Husain Continued from last issue… Taking his stand on the doctrines of the Vedanta philosophy, Rammohun Roy sounded the clarion note of the Divine Unity and invited his countrymen to the pure worship of the Supreme Being discarding the rites of idol worship. In its rejection of idolatry, his movement was revolt in the Hindu society, and he led it boldly with all the resources at his command. This religious revolt was akin to the similar revolts Read More …

NEWS – April 2019

“BARSHOSESH” & “BARSHOBORON” at SADHARAN BRAHMO SAMAJ Barsho Sesh 1425 Special musical programme was arranged on the occasion of “Borshosesh 1425” at Sadharan Brahmo Samaj. On 14th April, 2019 the programme started after a brief prayer offered by Sri Sourav Dey. The musical programme on Brahmosangeet was conducted by “Baitanik”. Barsho Boron 1426 “Barsho Boron” 1426 was celebrated on 15th April 2019 morning at Samaj prayer hall. The programme started at 9.30 am with “Baitalik”, at 10 am divine service Read More …