INVOCATION – January 2019

If thou wouldst attain to thy highest, go look Upon a flower; what that does willessly, that do thou willingly – Schiller *   *   *   *   * We are fighting for a righteous cause – our right to live with honour and in peace – are not for the sake of self-glory or to rule over others. – Guru Hargobind Singh *   *   *   *   * All that is true, all that is seemly, all that is just, all that Read More …

Editorial – January 2019

First month of New Year is here. We welcome the New Year with new hopes, with great joy and unfinished tasks from of the previous year. Hopes lie there where we pool our visions collectively. True, the word ‘vision’ appears to be a bit pompous. But without a vision we soon lose our vigour and begin to trudge along the old beaten track. We all must pray to our Father to bestow new hopes in our hearts and greater strength Read More …


By SILUVERU SUDARSHAN Emergence of mankind in the evolutionary process of life is a spectacular phenomenon. It is neither accidental, nor incidental, but an intentional directive act of God (Iswara) as indicated in the following scriptural Statements, though the mechanism apparently seem to be structured in the framework of evolutionary cycle. He (God), Desired: “May I Become many”, (Taittiriyopanishad Brahmanavallt VI) All activities are carried out by Brahmana  “Oh! Peaceful one, before creation, all this universe was, in the form Read More …

WHAT WE BELIEVE – THE BRAHMO SAMAJ: Its Religious Principles

By Sivanath Sastri We believe that this universe has sprung from, is sustained and governed by the will of Supreme and Self-existent Being, infinite in power, wisdom, love, justice and holiness. His providence is ever active, special as well as universal. By reason of His infinitude and uniqueness, He is beyond our knowledge and faith. We cannot conceive or comprehend Him except partially through His manifestations in nature and in man; but by means of our reason and instincts, our Read More …

NEWS – January 2019

189th Maghotsava at Sadharan Brahmo Samaj The 189th Maghotsava 2019 was celebrated by Sadharan Brahmo Samaj with solemnity. On the eve of 189th Maghotsava 4th Magh 1425, 19th January 2019, Inaugural service of Maghotsava takes place at Prayer Hall with Kirtan conducted by Supratim Chakrabarty and other members of his group. Thereafter Divine service was offered by Sri Sanjib  Mukherjee and hymns were sung by Sri Supratim Chakraborty along with his group.  On 5th Magh 1425, 20th January 2019 to Read More …