NEWS – April 2022

Barsho Sesh & Barsho Boron at Sadharan Brahmo Samaj

Barsho Sesh 1428
On 14th April, 2022, special divine service was arranged on the occasion of “Borshosesh 1428” at Sadharan Brahmo Samaj. Divine service was conducted by Smt. Jayasree Bhattacharya and hymns were conducted by Smt. Ritasree Bhattacharya. 

Barsho Boron 1429
“Barsho Boron” 1429 was celebrated on 15th April 2022 morning at Samaj prayer hall. The programme started at 10.30 am, divine service was conducted by Sri Siddhartha Brahmachari and hymns were by Sri Koushik De. 

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