INVOCATION – June 2021

It is not the function of our soul to gain God, to utilise him for any special material purpose. All that we can ever aspire to is to become more and more one with God. – Rabindranath Tagore *   *   *   *   * We are fighting for a righteous cause – our right to live with honour and in peace – are not for the sake of self-glory or to rule over others. – Guru Hargobind Singh *   *   *   Read More …

Editorial – June 2021

Our country is reeling under the onslaught of a pandemic, which having slowed down for a while, is now hitting back with greater fury. Perhaps, we have been unprepared for this disaster and therefore plunged into unprecedented agony, complete helplessness and utter loss of human dignity. Where the state machinery has failed to mitigate the sufferings of millions, it is heart warming to witness the efforts of the common citizens to alleviate the misery. Even different religious communities have come Read More …

Relevance of Brahmo Ideals in Today’s World The Brahmo Way of Life (Part -3)

By Keshab Chand Challa Prayer is the soul of every religion. It makes a direct attempt and awakens the human soul and forms a direct link with the Divine. So prayer is a necessity and the only important ritual in every Brahmos’ life. Every Brahmo should pray to the Almighty at least 3 times daily. We can offer short prayers in the morning, before taking food, before taking bath, before starting any work or in the office and before going Read More …

The Philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi – Part II

By Prof. Santanu Sen The first ‘Satyagraha’ campaign (1919 AD – 1922AD) was probably the most powerful and promising one. Later on the revolutionary potential of the masses was intentionally checked. Since the 1930’s and the end of his life Gandhi never announced a single large scale ‘Satyagraha campaign’. The 1942 A.D. resistance activity was limited in scope. M.K. Gandhi feared that control of the masses might be lost. This was one of the distinctive features of Gandhi’s Satyagraha. While Read More …


by Ranjan Banerjee The present Brahmo mandir at Baripada Odisha was inaugurated on 26th July 1925. However the Brahmo movement started and took its momemntum in early 1900 when Bhai Nandalal Bandopadhyaya a Brahmo Pracharak started coming to Baripada  to spread the message of Raja Rammohan Roy and Brahmananda Keshab Chandra Sen. Sriramchandra Bhanjdeo, the Maharaja of Mayurbhanj State, lost his father Maharaja Krushna Chandra at a very early age of 12. Since Sriramchandra was not an adult, he was Read More …

NEWS – June 2021

249th Birth Anniversary of Raja Rammohun Roy On 22nd May 2021, 249th Birth Anniversary of Raja Rammohun Roy was observed by Sadharan Brahmo Samaj in association with Government of West Bengal and Kolkata Municipal Corporation through garlanding and floral tributes at the footstep of the statue of Raja Rammohun Roy at Kolkata Maidan. Due to restrictions in gathering for the Covid-19 Pandemic situation, no prayer could be arranged at that location. An inaugural programme was organized on the zoom digital Read More …