Rammohun Roy: His contribution to the making of India (Part-2)

By Jawhar Sircar  Campaign for Modern Education  What marks out Rammohun Roy as the pioneering leader of modern India is his historic success in getting the inhuman practice of sati or burning widows on the funeral pyres of their husbands banned, and that too, quite effectively. But equally important were his other missions on which we will focus in this article—which strives to highlight the very impressive range of socially relevant subjects that he campaigned for. To begin with, he Read More …

Dr. Gajanan Yeshwant Chitnis (Part -2)

Malavika Nagarkar (Talk given at Brahmopasana meeting on Sunday, 8 May 2022) In those days there were scholarships offered by the British Unitarian Association for Brahmo missionaries. D.G Vaidya and some others asked Chitnis to apply for this. His immediate reply was that he had no money for it but Vaidya told him not to worry about that. Vaidya took an application from him, gave his own recommendation, and sent it to Dr. Herambachandra Moitra in Kolkata. Dr Moitra asked Read More …

Homage to Bhai Pratap Chandra Majumder

(on his 117th Death Anniversary, 27th May) Pratap Chunder Mozoomdar was born in the year 1840 and breathed his last on May 27, 1905. He was involved with the Brahmo Samaj movement and was one of the leaders who became a very ardent follower of Keshub Chandra Sen, especially in the event of his propagating the New Dispensation. He tried to bring about a synthesis between the philosophies and ethics of Hinduism and Christianity. He wrote about this idea in his Read More …

Gleanings – From the Pen of Shri Beni Madhab Das

(Sermons and Writings) Evolution The mind imposes its unity on the ‘many’. The ‘many’ over whelms the mind and the mind is lost in the ‘many’. The unity is evolved and the ‘many’ is organized. Evolution is only a process of the unity finding itself out, becoming self-conscious and imposing itself upon the ‘many’ by bringing in an order, a unity, a simplicity. Evolution is not through absorption alone; it also implies rejection. The spirit rejects as it absorbs, realizes Read More …

Rammohun Roy: His contribution to the making of India (Part-1)

By Jawhar Sircar The First Modern Indian Rammohun Roy was the first Indian to make the best use of whatever Western education, philosophy and scholasticism was available to Indians in the opening decades of the nineteenth century with the purpose of applying these imbibed skills and knowledge to articulate the concerns of Indians before the dominant colonial power. A handful of enterprising Indians had, indeed, learnt to gain from European knowledge systems that were made available by missionaries and educators, Read More …

Education Reforms in India Post Independence (Part – VII)

By Sudakshina Kundu Mookerjee Conclusion It is also debatable that all the new elements introduced in the new curriculum will actually make any difference to the employability, given the present job prospects. There should first be a survey of the job market, with its projection for the next decade, in order to revise a curriculum. The need must dictate the nature of training to be imparted. India is now part of the global village. Hence, the Human Resource Ministry must Read More …

Dr. Gajanan Yeshwant Chitnis

By Malavika Nagarkar (Talk given at Brahmopasana meeting on Sunday, 8 May 2022) A Professor was teaching Philosophy to a class in Oxford. The teacher said that Dr. Martino, a philosopher, had contradicted and shown the defects in some of Bradley’s arguments. A young student immediately responded by telling the Professor that there was no question of Martino saying anything about Bradley as Martino had died before Bradley came onto the scene. The Professor had to accept this.  This young Read More …

Gleanings – From the Pen of Shri Beni Madhab Das

(Sermons and Writings) Being & Doing There is an organic connection between being and doing – being in its endless manifestation and doing with their seats in the being, deriving all their meanings and significance from it. Being without its activities is a static entity – a mere abstraction and a figment of imagination. Activities without a reference to Being is a loose chaotic mass, a mere chance production without unity, without plan or purpose. Being or perfection is the Read More …

Education Reforms in India Post Independence (Part – VI)

Sudakshina Kundu Mookerjee Analysis of Higher Education System: CurriculaIn order to assess the possible outcomes of any new model, it is imperative to analyse the effects of the systems which have been in place so that the short comings may be identified and the problems may be addressed in the new system.It is a matter of grave concern that Higher Education System in India, has been subjected to experimentations, which may ruin its foundations for several generations to come. In Read More …

Tribute – Sita Devi

Born 10 April, 1895; Died 20 December, 1974(Excerpts from the tributes by her sister Shanta Devi and brother Ashok Chattopadhyay on her adya Shradhya; Translated from the Bengali versions.) Sita Devi, the younger daughter of the renowned journalist Shri. Ramananda Chattopadhya, was a reputed author in her own right. Together with her elder sister Shanta Devi, she had published many books for children as well as novels for the adults. She spent her early childhood in Allahabad after which the Read More …