INVOCATION – July 2019

We are fighting for a righteous cause – our right to live with honour and in peace – are not for the sake of self-glory or to rule over others. – Guru Hargobind Singh *   *   *   *   * Let us be silent, that we may hear the whisper of God. – Emerson *   *   *   *   * You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you. – James Allen

Editorial – July 2019

They say man is mortal. But this observation is valid only in the narrow confines of our existence on the earth which is just one of the satellites of the sun which is the only source of energy to keep the life, as we know it, going. This is not a great idea. This is a mere truism. Not only this. In spite of all our vanity that there has been a vast advancement of knowledge since the time of Read More …

Tagore’s Universalism

By Pratap Chandra Chunder Continued from last issue… At meeting held in the United States of America, Tagore said, India had never had a real sense of nationalism even though from the childhood I had been taught that idolatry of the Nation is almost better than God and humanity, I believe I have outgrown that teaching and it is my conviction that my countrymen will truly gain their India by fighting against the education which teaches them that a country Read More …

Abolition of Sati Custom of Hindu Religion

Continued from last issue… About this interview the India Gazette of July, ,27 1829 noted : “An eminent native philanthropist who has been taken the lead of his countrymen on this great question   has been encouraged to submit his views of it in a written form and has been subsequently honoured with an audience by the Governor General who are learn, has expressed his anxious desire to put an end to a custom constituting so foul a blot.”. The Gazette Read More …


191st Bhadrotsava  2019 Programme Bhadra 4th 1426, 22nd August 2019, Thursday 6.00 pm – Kirtan, Conducted by Sri Supratim Chakravarty 6.30 pm – Divine Service by Smt. Jayasree Bhattachayra, Hymns conducted by Sri Kaushik De Bhadra 5th 1426, 23rd August 2019, Friday 3.30 pm – Opening of Handicrafts Exhibition of Brahmo Samaj Mahila Bhavan 6.30 pm – Ananda Mohon Bose Memorial Meeting Speakers Sri Pradip Home and Sri Sandip Datta Bhadra 6th 1426, 24th August 2019, Saturday Anniversary of the Foundation of Read More …

NEWS – July 2019

Brahmasangeet Programme at Sadharan Brahmo Samaj On 13th July, 2019 a Brahmasangeet programme was arranged at the Prayer hall of Sadharan Brahmo Samaj. At 6.30 pm the programme started after a brief prayer offered by Smt. Sutapa Roy Chowdhury. 10th volume of Brahmasangeet Swaralipi published by Sadharan Brahmo Samaj was formally released by Sri Asish Kumar Pain, President of Sadharan Brahmo Samaj. Students of “Brahmasangeet Shiksha Kendra” sung 15 Brahmasangeet conducted by Sri Samir Das. Handwork Exhibition at Brahmo Balika Read More …