INVOCATION – March 2018

An inspiration is a joy forever, a possession as solid as a landed estate, a fortune we can never exhaust which gives us year after year a revenue of pleasurable activity. To have many of these is to be spiritually rich. -R L Stevenson *   *   *   *   * The individual, if he is filled with love of mankind, with breadth of vision, with courage and with endurance, can do a great deal.   – Bertrand Russel *   *   *   Read More …

Editorial – March 2018

We know man mortal, One who is born, must die after completing the task deigned by one’s Master and Creator. That is path designed for men on this earth. But disaster strikes when humans, either in their own frenzied megalomania or being manipulated by devil’s disciples or misguided idealists try to change the destiny of nations, countries or regions through insensate violence or manic savagery. Such has been the fate of humanity through ages and is still continuing. We are Read More …

Report of 188th Maghotsava, 2018 (Bengali Calendar – 1424) at Sadharan Brahmo Samaj

Maghotsava-  Preparing Phase Every year, prior to Maghotsava, preparatory prayer meetings are held in different Institutions like Brahmo Balika Shikshalaya, City College School, Brahmo Primary Teachers Training Institute, Brahmo Samaj Mahila Bhavan, Kolkata and residences of pray Brahmo friends from 6th January, 2018 to 14th January, 2018. Preparatory prayer of Maghotsav of Sadhanasram was held on 6th January’2018 Saturday. The service was conducted by on 13th January’2018 Saturday preparatory prayer on maghotsav was held at Bhowanipur Paddapukur Brahmo Samaj. Pre-maghotsav Read More …


By Sivanath Sastri I take advantage of this opportunity to lay before you something like a definite idea of the things that our theism is aiming at. The strength of our union and co-operation greatly depends upon the definiteness of our aims and aspirations. In a liberal religion like ours we are bound to allow very great liberty amongst its members in the matter of philosophical and theological views and doctrines. Some may be monistic in their sympathies, others dualistic; Read More …

Office Bearers, Committees and Sub-committees for 2017-2018

Office Bearers for 2017-2018 President Asis K.Pain Secretary Biswajit Roy Treasurer Rahul Basu Assistant Secretaries 1. Koushik De, 2. Madhulika Ghosh Members of General Committee for 2017-2018Kolkata Members Surupa Datta Subrata Datta Moumita Guha Prasenjit Roy Tania Ghosh Tamali Bose Biswadeep Chowdhury Supratim Chakraborty Samir Chakraborty Kasturi Chakraborty Rita Chakraborty Pradip Chakraborty Samita Das Debjani Brahmachari Tapabrata Brahmachari Mitali Ganguli Prasun Ganguli Salil K.Hajra Bijan Chanda Dilip Kumar Roy Indrani Roy Amitananda Das Jatisankar Banerjee Sujata Banerjee Arghya Brahmachari Mandira Read More …

NEWS – March 2018

UTKAL BRAHMO SAMAJ Utkal Brahmo Samaj, Cuttack observed 188th Maghotsava and Foundation Day of Brahmo Samaj on the 24th and 25th January, 2018. Dr. Parag Rakshit of Kolkata conducted the divine service, Brahmo songs rendered by Shri Bijoyram Trpathy, Smt, Rakhi Sen, Smt. Sucheta Pradhan, Dr. Meenakshi Dutta and Prof. Dipasya Kundu. Before the commencement of the General Body Meeting one minute silence was observed in sacred memory of Bikash Ch. Dutta. Avijit Deb, Sobha Roy and Hemaji Jena. Acharya Dr. Rakshit was Read More …