INVOCATION – December 2018

Man is made by his belief. As he believes so he is. – Gita *   *   *   *   * You can transform everything around you if you will transform yourself. – James Allen *   *   *   *   * Seek not your own life – for that is death but seek how you can best and most joyfully give your own life away – and every morning fresh life will come to you from the hills. – Edward Carpenter

Editorial – December 2018

The month of December is a month of nostalgia – the passing away of a year with its baggage of good and bad events, a month of joy and merriments for celebrating the ‘Baradin’ or Christmas for people of all over the world, transcending the Christian community and expectations for the new year. We also offer our deep reverence to the memory of the great religious leader and martyr Jesus christ. The expectations are for the coming New Year and Read More …

The Contribution of the Brahmo Samaj in the 19th Century to Women Education

In the 19th century the influence of Western education and culture created awareness on a lot of people in India. Only for that reason the rational and national thinking, irrespective of religion, arose in their mind. Slowly both Indian and European educationists and social reformers understood that the education of the womenfolk was highly necessary for the social reforms of the country. Because women were living in the darkness of ignorance, naturally they took an active part for the upliftment Read More …

Sivnath Sastri : A Prologue for a New Prelude

‘Rememberest thou not the words wherewith thy Ethics treat of the three dispositions which Heaven wills not …’ ‘Inferno’, Canto XI, The Divine Comedy Once upon a time, there was one Sivnath Sastri, a defense and shelter, a back-stage worker and a fore-frontier, a demon with the demure personality – a milestone, a symbol of homage and sacrifice, an idol of wisdom and confrontation, an ideological balance between teamwork and disharmony. In one word he was an icon of the Read More …

NEWS – December 2018

To commemorate Maharshi Debendranath Tagore’s initiation into Brahmo Dharma on 7th poush, Sadharan Brahmo Samaj organised a “7th poush mela” at Samaj premises from 22nd December to 24th December 2019. On 22nd  December at 3.00 pm the “mela” was formally inaugurated by Smt. Jayati Gupta, an educationist and a senior member of the Samaj. Short prayer was offered by Sri Salil Kumar Hajra and hymns were sung by students of Brahmo Balika Shikshalaya, Montessori Section. Stalls with handicrafts, books, garments, Read More …