INVOCATION – August 2019

Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers, but to be fearless in facing them. Let me not beg for the stilling of my pain, but for the heart to conquer it. – Rabindranath Tagore *   *   *   *   * For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness. – Emerson *   *   *   *   * Self-control is strength. Right thought is mastery. Calmness is power. – James Allen

Editorial – August 2019

The month of August is important in the history of our country. The passion of Freedom in British India was kindled in the Quit India movement in 1942. On 8th of August Mahtama Gandhi delivered his address at the Bombay session of Congress and called for “do or die” for the country. This request was followed by a massive proportion of the population. On 12th August, Congress led the Quit India Movement to demand the British to leave India and Read More …

God, Soul and Nature in Brahmoism

By Debanjan Roy Introduction: Almost all religions essentially talk about three basic entities: 1) God, 2) Individual Soul of life 3) Nature/World/Universe. There are some exceptions like Buddhism and Jainism, which are silent about God.  Man has tried to correlate between these three entities : Is soul equal to or different from God? Is soul created by God? Is soul part of God? Did God create Nature? Or, is the Nature part of God Himself? However, out of all these Read More …

Abolition of Sati Custom of Hindu Religion

Continued from last issue… Excessive jealousy of their female connections operating in the breasts of Hindu Princes renders those despots regardless of the common bonds of society, and of their incumbent duty as protector of the weaker sex, in so much that with a view to prevent every possibility of their widows forming subsequent attachment, they availed themselves of their arbitrary power, and cloak of religion, introduced the practise of burning widows alive, under the first impression of sorrow or Read More …

ANNOUNCEMENT – August 2019

Programme Schedule at Sadhran Brahmo Samaj in the month of September 2019 Schedule for Sunday Service (Every Sunday at 6.30 pm in Samaj Prayer Hall) 1st September 2019:- Service: Sri Sourav De; Hymns: Smt. Sivani Roy 8th September 2019:- Service: Smt. Ketaki Goswami; Hymns: Inmates of Mahila Bhavan 15th September 2019:- Service: Sri Supratim Chakraborty; Hymns: Smt. Mitali Bose 22nd September 2019:- Service: Smt. Sunanda Roychowdhury (Rakhi); Hymns: “Suchana” 29th September 2019:- Service: Sri Salil Kumar Hajra; Hymns: Smt. Bandana Read More …

NEWS – August 2019

Programmes at Bhawanipur Brahmo Samaj (Paddmapukur) On 26th July, 2019 in the evening Bhawanipur Brahmo Samaj (Paddmapukur) celebrated birth anniversary of Gyanodanandini Debi by felicitating three ladies closely associated with Brahmo Samaj. Gyanodanandini Debi was wife of Satyendranath Tagore and a leading personality who worked on women’s education and emancipation during late 19th century. The programme started with chanting of hymns and a Brahmasangeet “Pratham karan” written by Satyendranath Tagore was sung. Sri Tathagata Sen narrated a brief life sketch Read More …

Notice – Annual Election of Sadharan Brahmo Samaj: 2019 – 2020

NOTICE SADHARAN BRAHMO SAMAJ Annual Election of Sadharan Brahmo Samaj: 2019 – 2020 Election of Office-bearers: Nominations are invited for the under mentioned posts of the Sadharan Brahmo Samaj for 2019-2020 from amongst the valid members of the Sadharan Brahmo Samaj. The name for each post shall be duly proposed and seconded in writing by two valid members with their full addresses and with written consent from the candidate with his address. Eligible candidate must be at least 25 years Read More …