INVOCATION – February 2021

Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude. – Ralph Waldo Emerson *   *   *   *   * Some of you say, “Joy is greater than sorrow,” and others say, “Nay, sorrow is the greater.” But I say unto you, they are inseparable.Together they come, and when one sits alone with you at Read More …

Editorial – February 2021

Language is a powerful tool. It is related to the history of mankind, it is also a cultural marker. Basically language is a code for communication, be it verbal or otherwise. The mighty humans to the smallest living beings, all have their own languages that differ greatly from species to species. The more advanced the animal is the more complex is this code of communication. But all animals depend on this power to interact with their fellow beings. It is Read More …

The Father of Modernism /The Lost Icon of Modernism

By Argha Kr Banerjee ‘Our futility will be in the measure of the greatness of Rammohan Roy’— Rabindranath Tagore In his lecture as President of the Preliminary Meeting of the Rammohan Roy Centenary held at the Senate House, Calcutta on 18th February 1933, Rabindranath Tagore, hailed Raja Rammohan Roy as the inaugurator of ‘Modern Age in India’. Extolling his immense contribution, Tagore observed: ‘He was born at a time when our country having lost its link with the inmost truths Read More …

Tribute – Rishi Raj Narayan Basu

By Aniruddha Rakshit Rajnarayan Basu was born on 7th September, 1826, in Boral, a village in 24 parganas of the Bengal presidency. His father Nanda Kishore Basu, who hailed from his ancestral village of Garh Gobindpur, Kolikata, was a disciple of Raja Rammohan Roy and also acted as one of the secretaries of the great reformer. He came to Calcutta in the year 1833 to be admitted to the school of one Sambhu Master. This was the year when Raja Read More …

Women and Science (Part – 4)

By Sudakshina Kundu Mookerjee If the last decades of the nineteenth century saw some distinguished women doctors, the women started entering other fields of science as well from the beginning of the twentieth century. But their foray in the still new field of science was an uphill task and it met with severe challenges. Janaki Ammal (4th November 1997 to 7th February 1984) was Botanist. Her field of study was Cell Biology. Janaki was one of the first women scientists Read More …

NEWS – Feb 2021

191st Maghotsava at Sadharan Brahmo Samaj This year 191st Maghotsava was celebrated at Sadharan Brahmo Samaj in a smaller way compared to other years due to Covid-19 pandemic situation. Programmes were conducted on digital platform and in Samaj prayer hall with limited number of devotees.  On 20th January, 2021 (6th Magh, 1427) in the evening Worship through songs was organized after a short prayer offered by Smt. Madhulika Ghosh. Shri Supratim Chakrabarty conducted the musical pragramme along with other members. Read More …