Meditate on the Only OneWho pervades land, water and air,Who has created this universeOf which there is no boundHe knows all but none can know him.He is the Lord of the lords, the God of Gods,And the Master of masters;Let’s know this adorable One. – Rammohun Roy *   *   *   *   * The human soul realizes how impure is its nature when it dissociates itself from God; and how noble it becomes when it is with Him. – Debendranath Tagore Read More …

Editorial – May 2021

Democracy is a very empowering concept. Even in our hours of bondage, when we were not only under the dominance of a foreign power but at the same time enshackled by our own superstitions and dogmatic practices, Raja Rammohun Roy dreamt of a free society which would be governed by democratic principles. His endeavours were directed towards awakening the citizens to a more liberated and responsible nationhood. Democracy implies governance ‘Of the People; By the People; and For the People’. Read More …

Relevance of Brahmo Ideals in Today’s World – The Brahmo Way of Life (Part -2)

By Keshab Chand Challa Every Brahmo should first study, understand, practice and live according to the core principles of Brahmo Samaj without any deviation.   1.  Brahmos should have strong belief in the existence of an all- perfect God, who is the ONE and ONLY  ONE and the Origin, Preserver  and the ultimate of the Universe, and has no shape or body. Brahmos should treat all humankind as equal, as Brahmo Samaj is a religious Brotherhood, a fellowship of faiths and Read More …

The Philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi – Part 1

By Prof. Santanu Sen More than seventy years have elapsed since the assassination of the leader of the Indian anti-imperialist movement, Mohan Das Karam Chand Gandhi. The years of dramatic struggle to liberate the great nation from the colonial yoke are becoming part of an increasingly remote history. Passions about appraising the extraordinary and particularly in the European eye, the controversial figure of the ”Rebellious Fakir”, as Winston Churchill, the British Prime Minister and a vehement opponent of decolonisation, described Read More …

Book review

Ananya Rammohun – Arthaneetibid, Rajneetibid O Yuganayak Author: Murari Ghosh; ISBN: 81-86383-51-4 Year of Publication – September 1998 Progressive Publishers, 37A, College Street, Kolkata – 700073 Starline Press, 19/H/H Goabagan Street, Kolkata – 700073 Laser Compose: Subhodh Press, 6 Dalimtala Lane, Kolkata – 700006 by Sudakshina Kundu There have been extensive discussions on the multitalented contributions of Raja Rammohun Roy in the fields of Religious, Social and Academic reforms. However, his well considered opinions on Economic and Administrative reforms that Read More …