Tribute – Acharya P. Sitaramabrahmam

By Keshab Chand Challa [Andhra Brahmo Samaj (Hyderabad)] Tributes to Great Brahmo Acharya Late Sri P Sitaramabrahmam (born on May 20, 1912 – died on January 31, 2008) on his 14 th Death anniversary. He was a Gold Medalist in BA (Philosophy) from Andhra University. Under the influence of two great Brahmo leaders, Sri K Veeresalinga Pantulu and Brahmarshi Sir R Venkataratnam Naidu, he joined Brahmo Samaj at a very young age and led a perfect Brahmo life through out. Read More …

Gleanings – From the Pen of Shri Beni Madhab Das

Personalities in the Brahmo SamajRaja Ram Mohan RoyThe cry is as old as the very dawn of spiritual life in man – the cry of the heart ‘needam yadidam upashate’: and the soul awakened comes out with the responsive cry “Atmalai are drashtabya, srotabya, nididhyashitabya’. What thou worshipest is not the Supreme Brahman: the Supreme Soul alone is the object of meditation and the Supreme Vision where soul finds its realisation; ‘yo bai bhumatat sukham, naolpe Sujhamasti’ – the Infinite Read More …

Education Reforms in India Post Independence (Part – V)

By Sudakshina Kundu Mookerjee Higher Education:So far, the graduation courses in general streams of science, humanities and commerce in Indian colleges have consisted of three years of training at the end of which the students were awarded bachelor’s degrees. Earlier some of the Universities awarded bachelor degrees in ‘Pass’ courses without any specialisation, after two years while an honours or specialisation course was all of three years. However, some special institutions of excellence were allowed to offer a four years-long Read More …

Tribute – Heramba Chandra Maitra

Brief Biography: Heramba Chandra Maitra was born in the year 1858 CE and died in 1938 CE. He was the principal of City College, Calcutta., which was founded as a school in 1879, and subsequently raised to a College in 1881 by a number of patriotic members of Sadharan Brahmo Samaj including Ananda Mohan Bose, Sivanath Shastri, Umesh Chandra Dutta and himself among others. An adoring student of Charles Tawney, he was steeped in Carlyle, Emerson and William Wordsworth. He Read More …

Gleanings – From the Pen of Shri Beni Madhab Das

Extracts from the Presidential address of the Theistic Conferences (taken from the booklet published on the occasion of his Memorial Service) The Brahmo Samaj: The Brahmo Samaj movement is the movement of worship, where work is worship and worship is work. The two, although different in form and values , are integrated into one whole. The worship may be in the transcendent height – of Brahma in the Turiya (self-transcendent) state and of Brahma or God in his self-manifestation. The Read More …

Education Reforms in India Post Independence (Part – IV)

By Sudakshina Kundu Mookerjee The New National Education Policy: The new NEP proposes a model of splitting up school education in to four stages of 5+3+3+4 years. According to the ministry of Human Resource Development the school education will be split up into stages with 5 years of Fundamental, 3 years of Preparatory, 3 years of Middle and 4 years of Secondary.   The Fundamental years start from includes Nursery at the age of 4 y e a r s f o Read More …

Tribute – Beni Madhab Das

Beni Madhab Das was born on 22th November, 1866, in Sarowatoli, Chittagong, in the then Bengal Province of British India to Shri Hrishna Chandra Das. He passed away on 2nd September 1952, at Calcutta. Beni Madhab Das was a great erudite scholar, an inspiring teacher and above all a great patriot. Beni Madhab Das earned his post-graduate degree in Philosophy and joined the Chittagong College, which he converted into a model institution. He was initially a lecturer in the Government Read More …

Gleanings – From the Pen of Shri Beni Madhab Das

Extracts from the Presidential address of the Theistic Conferences (taken from the booklet published on the occasion of his Memorial Service) The Modern Theistic Movement The modern Theistic Movement in India is not essentially an intellectual movement. It is not a question of intellectual assent or intellectual honesty that is at the bottom of it. It does not stand even for a school of thought with its rational interpretation of the movements of life and order of things and theoretical Read More …

Brahmananda Keshub Chander Sen – Part III

By Sanjoy Chanda Marriage of Brahmo youth and its legality was a matter of great concern. To overcome this problem, Keshub approached the government with the proposal to enact “Brahmo Marriage Bill”. After long deliberations his efforts were successful. “Civil Marriage Act III of 1872” legalized marriages performed without following traditional religious rituals. In 1870 Keshub travelled to England. He was then only 32 years old, but his reputation had preceded him, and he was received by the intellectuals and Read More …

Education Reforms in India Post Independence (Part – III)

By Sudakshina Kundu Mookerjee National Education policies:  Since independence the union government undertook serious measures to improve and overhaul the education system and its infrastructure. Just as new public sector industries and manufacturing units were set up to make India self-sufficient similarly new centres of excellence in technology were also started. All these efforts were ably assisted by the more advanced countries like the USSR, Germany, Britain etc to help India have trained man power to run these enterprises. However, Read More …